Your life, the markets and the world in which we live are constantly changing. Financial planning is an ongoing process. We work with you to understand your current situation, expand your financial horizons, determine your specific needs, organize your finances and create a personalized strategy. Then we provide the discipline and emotional objectivity to implement, monitor and adjust your plans to ensure you realize your short-term goals and achieve your long-term dreams. Our step-by-step comprehensive planning process is as follows...
INITIALMeeting #1 | The intent of our initial complimentary meeting is to learn about each other and determine whether or not we are a good fit to work together long-term. To help accomplish this we will:
DISCOVERMEETING #2 | The objective of this meeting it to understand the details of your current financial picture, uncover opportunities and further discuss your goals, hopes and dreams for the future. In this meeting we will:
DEVELOP | Our team will use the information you’ve provided to assess your situation and develop your custom financial plan. This process takes approximately 2-3 weeks for data research, analysis and preparation. We will call you to schedule a plan delivery meeting. |
DELIVERMEETING #3 | In this meeting we will:
IMPLEMENTMEETING #4 | Once we have established a sound financial strategy and you’re comfortable with our recommendations, we can begin to put solutions in place. In this meeting we will allocate resources towards specific goals and complete any necessary paperwork. |
REVIEW &MONITOR | As a part of our on-going service we will: